Sunday, September 30, 2007

Omg!!! i luv this movie!!!! - Cars Reviews

ok so im 13 yrs old and im not a disney kinnda person but i had 2 take my 5, almost 6 yr old brother beacause hes been stressing over this movie truly i think i liked it better than him! this movie is soo cute and i loved all the vocies and omg its so sweet and all my friends brothers or sisters are like u saw it and u liked it im alike ofcourse u should c it so its totaly worth the $1o. "im faster than fast, lighting mcqueen." lol GO SEE CARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oscar worth film and more! please read u will like - Cars Reviews

I hope people read my review because there are two stories inside this movie. There is the story of the racecar trying to get to his race and there is the deeper story. This story is about life, how we should live life, and how we should appreciate small town living and love it! We should love all of our neighbors! and we shouldn't say anything bad or hurtful to anyone else. I found this film to be just as insperational as the film "What the bleed do we know!?" See this film no matter how old you are. It has meaning for your life.

Fan favorite for kids - Cars Reviews

This is the best movie for kids that has been out in a long time in a few years at least! There have been other kids movies but this one by far outdoes them all. It goes above & beyond!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Worst movie of the year?! - Cars Reviews

WOW!!!! What happened Pixar. So many big hits and then this lame event? Whatz up? As long as this one took you could have trashed half the movie and done a half way decent job with what you had left. Please, for the love of Pixar's memory, don't do this again! We love you and you can be forgiven for one. Go back to the old recipe. Thanks for all of the OTHER great laughs.

These cars sell themselves....literally!!!! - Cars Reviews

There are only a handful of films that I can ever say that I have ever wanted to watch a second time after just seeing it the first time. Almost Famous is the one that comes to mind because that's just what I did. I have a new term for such a film, it's called a "Repeater". This is probably a highest regard for any kind of family film where parents will more likely find themselves watching the film 300 times over the course of a month...most likely not by choice. As soon as I came out of Cars, the new classic Pixar film, I found myself wanting to go back to the inhabitants of Carburator County and it's windy, dust-ridden roads and eccentric inhabitants. And while this is no Nemo, I realized soon after just how much I loved this film. Cars is a simple tale that is kind of a spin on those automobile commercials that tell you to enjoy the ride, but preferably no slower than 90. That's why we're riding with Lightning McQueen (voiced by Owen Wilson), a rookie stock car about to make history on the track. But due to some serious ego problems and two busted tires, he's got to duke it out with the best in Los Angeles, Winner Take All. On his trip across the Midwest, a couple of inconvenient turns (for him but not the plot) takes him off the interstate and puts him onto Route 66 and to a small town of Radiator Springs, which is the closest thing to a ghost town if cars had ghosts. There he meets it's wacky inhabitants including the Porche attorney-turned-innkeeper (Bonnie Hunt), Fiat tire shop owner (Tony Shaloub), Hippie Van (George Carlin, drastically underused), and elder Doc Hudson (Paul Newman). Over the course of a week, they all teach the hothead hot-rod about a life in the slow lane, which I don't have to tell you will eventually lead him back to the big race. How the race ends is satisfactory, if not a little forced in places. Story-wise, Cars' success comes in it's simplicity. It is filled to the cap with nostalgia, not only in the history of the automobile, but in the history of America's West. Route 66 was a symbol of freedom that still exists, but in a manner that has a different meaning today than it did back in the 50s and 60s. This story understands that and compares the faster than life world of modern NASCAR and modern life to the easy-going yet more humble tidings that Radiator Springs has to offer. The only problem is that the ending, while leaving a smile on your face, doesn't truly feel like it is the right one. In the way the film looks, it's probably the best-looking animated film outside the ocean that Nemo swims. With brilliant vistas of open spaces and reflections, bright neons and always the sense of environment that makes other computer-animated films feel hollow in a way. Pixar doesn't just try to look good, but feel right. The Incredibles doesn't look better than Shrek, but it is right for the story it tells. With Cars, it's all about the sights and sounds, which this film explodes with six or seven times over. The cars themselves look great with different kinds of textures and paint. We can believe the eyes in the windshield and mouths around the bumper areas, but if it looked any more real, we'd have to ask ourselves why are we watching a movie about a bunch of cars. Voice acting this time around is definately noteworthy, if only for the sake of Paul Newman as Doc. With his history in racing and acting, he was the only man who could sound authentic in this part. But one must ask if it wasn't HIS idea to be a Hudson Hornet, with it's classy sleek appeal and obvious handling powers. Either way, I am pretty sure either he or director John Lasseter was drooling at the possibilities. Speaking of John Lasseter, who finally comes back to the director's chair after directing Toy Story 2, you can smell his passion in the celluloid of this film. He definately brings his A-Game back for another shot and succeeds. Unfortunately, one of his best at Pixar had died during the production, Joe Ranft, who gets the Pixar version of a 12-Gun-Salute in the credits. I'm pretty sure if Lasseter didn't have enough reasons to make the best film possible, this was just one more. And I will say this and I mean it to the bottom of my heart: If you watch the film, stay all the way through to the end of the credits. Cars doesn't just celebrate itself, but Pixar's world-changing history. Pixar celebrates 20 years this year, and I can't wait to see what happens the next 20. Keep up the good work, fellas!!! All in all, this isn't the best so far this year, but it's definately one of the best rides so far. And you'll probably want to see it again unless you have anyone under the age of 12 with you. You know you're going to get your chance later.

Cars: lots of fun but occasionally misses a shift - Cars Reviews

Whether you're a stock car racing fan or not, CARS is lively, fun, and to a great degree, up to the standards of FINDING NEMO and TOY STORY, its Pixar predecessors. The voice characterizations are stellar as always (Paul Newman can do more acting with his voice than most of today's top stars can with their whole body) and the animation ascends to an all time high. CARS only problem materializes in the middle of the movie when the story drags a bit (I caught my daughter nodding...) but the tale redeems itself in the end. Kudos to the voices of Newman, Bonnie Hunt, Tony Shaloub and his infectious accent, and Larry the Cable Guy who for all practical purposes steals the movie. CARS at least gives us one reason to darken the door of our local theater this summer.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Nice car - Cars Reviews

Pixar has set the bar so high for themselves that the movie going public expects a grand slam every time out. Well this is at least a homerun. Owen Wilson does a great voice over here and, as always, the rest of the voice acting is great too. The visuals are stunning (of course), but the story drags in places.

Loved it. - Cars Reviews

This was the greatest movie I have seen come from Disney. Not only could they have a good time with the subject matter, but they also were able to poke fun at themselves. Kids loved it (14,5,& 3).

Mater finally got his helicopter ride! - Cars Reviews

Definitely a must see movie that both children and adults will enjoy. I don't understand what is wrong with the critics. For any person not to enjoy this movie.. he/she would have to have a very dark soul. Many people could learn a thing or two from the characters in this movie. The world would be a much better place.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Another great pixar movie - Cars Reviews

Saw this movie yesterday night special screening. Great animation. The characters have great charm and charisma. You forget your watching a CG movie. Highly recommend it.

Car crazy - Cars Reviews

Cars is the next film from Pixar and its quite a creative effort. It's creativity though was not put into the story. Lightning McQueen is the new car on the scene making headlines everywhere. He is the new fast car and is on his way to the Piston Cup race, the most elite of races. On the way, he manages to get off his trailer and is lost in the middle of nowhere. He meets other cars who have sat in this town that was once a happening place. He's all about being flashy and is quite full of himself, but the other cars in town are quite laid back and seem to live from day to day hoping they will be discovered. Lightning (voice of Owen Wilson) learns to live like them and soon becomes humbled by them. The story it quite bland. The humor is cute, whenever you can find it. The message behind the story is quite good and in the end is great for kids and families. There is much to be enjoyed by the imagery and visuals, but the story almost takes away from the creative beauty. Kids will enjoy. Parents may find this almost 2 hour long movie to be a bit much. B-

From a 12 year old's point of view... - Cars Reviews

I'm a 12 year old girl. At first, when my friends invited me to go see "Cars" with them, I didn't want to see that movie. I thought it looked too young for me. I was wrong! I really liked this movie. It taught me a good lesson about thinking about others before yourself, and it suprisingly kept me entertained the whole way. It is now one of my favorite movies. Well, I hope this review helped. If you are 12 years old, or you have a child that is 12, I'd reccomend seeing this movie. It's great!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Refreshing change! - Cars Reviews

What a breakthrough movie for annimation. Any critic that didn't give this movie an "A" rating doesn't have any kids or doesn't have a kid "within". It takes courage to accept change! Three generations of our family sat on the edge of our seats together and thoroughly enjoyed a great movie!

Just better than a bug's life - Cars Reviews

Just a little excelling than A Bug?s Life broadly, ?Cars? seems middling when set against all other almost faultless Pixar offerings, which seemed to have raised the bar so high that putting them in the shade becomes a mission impossible. At least this movie still acts in accordance with the Pixar tradition of excellent moviemaking affirming that Pixar is still the animation studio to beat. Because it?s definitely not a bad movie after all, I?m thinking if I should be disappointed with the movie just because it doesn?t match other Pixar offerings. You be the judge. This movie has full of clever dialogues and ways with words unnoticeable and unappreciated at first viewing. As with other Pixar offerings, which is also one thing that sets Pixar apart, positive reception of the funniness sometimes requires reading between the lines. The movie brags about having the one aspect wherein Pixar is always good at, creating and telling a story. Set in a world where cars are humans, the movie follows the life of the NASCAR-type racing rookie Lightning McQueen, a cocky, arrogant and luminous Coupe, who by twist of fate tied with two others on the Piston Cup Annual Championships. A runoff race is set in California to determine who the real winner is between the three. On his way to California, McQueen by accident gets off a town no longer on the map on Route 66 named Radiator Springs. In this abandoned little town, McQueen is punished for over speeding and destroying the main road. Before he can even be allowed to leave, he has to serve his sentence with community work. Never provided gasoline to avert any escape attempts, McQueen is stuck with junk, rusty but gold-hearted town folks who eventually effectuate a real champ in Lightning McQueen. How? That?s for you to find out. What?s so notable about this movie is, without a doubt, its technical achievements?the only facet that perhaps blows all other Pixar movies out of the water. Showcasing crisp, vibrant and almost real-life animation, some scenes make you forget you?re watching just a 3D animation. Racing scenes appear so real you?ll experience the exhilaration of watching a real racing yourself (or even better). Owen Wilson as McQueen and Paul Newman as the doctor/judge, the voice talent is perfectly cast especially Larry the Cable guy as the hillbilly tow truck who is quick to christen himself as McQueen?s best friend. By the way Michael Schumacher, the Ace German Formula 1 racing legend, is also cast as himself this time as a Ferrari appearing in the late part including some of the greatest names in the racing world. Not as comical as Ice Age: The Meltdown, some scenes may not be as appealing to kids as it is to adults. Although corny to some, the movie is expectedly virtuous but surprisingly highly moving necessitating me to prefer it over any other animated movies released this year. It?s definitely a movie not to miss. After all, it?s by Pixar. It?s always big league?s. (t o y s k i . c o m)

Take your kids to see cars adults will love also - Cars Reviews

A great movie, with lots of laughs and plenty of fun. The story seemed to move a little slow but it's a kids movie. plenty of fun for the whole family. A Must see this summer.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Outstanding - Cars Reviews

Pixar has done it again with this amazing picture about a race car suddenly thrown into a backwater Route 66 town. Owen Wilson does a tepid job as portraying the main character, "Lightning McQueen." Larry the Cable Guy reduces audiences of all ages to hysteric laughter with his character, the hickish "Mater." The jokes in this story are usually hysterical, except for some told by the main character, which can be described as dry at best. The cinematography of Historic Route 66 and the Los Angeles Motor Speedway is beautiful and very realistic for the Pixar animation. This film is fun for all ages and, as is Pixar's trademark, delivers an excellent life lesson to both young and old.

Not much thunder, but plenty of lightning! - Cars Reviews

To be honest with you, the cars in this movie look better than the new Fast and Furious movie. Those of you who see the movie will understand my title for this post. This was a fun movie to watch, my kids loved it. The moral of the story is clear, but it takes the same 'road' a lot of movies have taken before. I won't spoil it for you, so just go and see it. If your into real cars, this movie will have you laughing.

Life is a highway... - Cars Reviews

A good "coming into your own" story about a hotshot up-and-comer who thinks he knows everything about life. What he finds out is that life is not a race that can be won - only experienced. Although the story did slow somewhat during the middle it wasn't as bad as some have said. The visuals were great - those guys at Pixar know their stuff! The acting was good but where was Lee Ermey??? The story rounded out well but there were some lingering questions that still remain about the car world... like: where are all of the junkyards? It was great fun for kids of all ages and adults - even those more adult than the rest of us will have a good time as well. This will be a good one to own...

Monday, September 24, 2007

Great movie - Cars Reviews

While I will agree with other reviewers that Cars lacks the punch of say Monsters Inc of The Incredibles, in its own merits Cars is still a great movie. The visuals, in my opinion, exceed anything else either Pixar or any other studio has ever done. The voices are well done, particularly Owen Wilson. And while the movie takes a while to get a few laughs, they eventually start rolling towards the middle to end of the film. There are so many subtle jokes, particularly in the sequences in the stadiums, thatyou have to see twice to appreciate. Something that probably took months to animate is simply shown for a split second. Perhaps they could have developed some of these jokes for a few more laughs. Otherwise, this movie is enjoyable for all ages and any Pixar fan will go home smiling.

Best animated film in years!!! - Cars Reviews

First of all I have to say that I loved Toy Story. This movie blew Toy Story away. The story was better. There are several lessons for kids and adults to learn in this movie, about ego and learning to slow down the pace in life. I didn't hink my 20 month old could make it through a movie, but he made it through this one. There is a lot of humor for adults as well. The theme is great too. The animation is amazing. Great for the whole family!!!

Why your family should see "cars" - Cars Reviews

What does "CARS" have: 1) A family friendly story with great morals, especially respect for others. 2) Computer generated beauty surpassed by none. 3) An overall wonderful movie going experience.(So if you believe that money talks, see CARS twice and tell the industry what you really want!) 4) Some extra funny stuff during the credits. So do not just get up and leave. (For more comments see below) What "CARS" does not have: 1) No crude humor 2) No swearing 3) No glorifying of violence 4) No glorifying of disrespect towards others 5) No glorifying of any really bad behavior I can think of. Why do so many "professional" critics give this and other Pixar movies a hard time; probably because the gentle but firm teaching of things that are truly good for us and society, do not fit in their social/political agendas. So take it from a normal average person and parent, this will be the best movie this summer for YOU and your family. Go in expecting to enjoy it and you will not be disappointed. Further comment without details or spoilers: 1) A fanatastic family friendly story with a fanastic set of morals being taught. My wife went into the show hoping this would not be too dorky; how could they make a story about talking cars. She came out a firm believer in CARS and Pixar. There are just a couple of places that I think the action oriented movie go-er might find slow, though this is done for character delevopment which I believe pays off in the long run; but other then that it moves along just fine. If you also take time to reflect you should be able see yourself in a character in this movie, whether it is one of the four main characters or a side character; and if you are Mater, then you are probably better off then most of us. Monsters Inc. still holds top place for me of all the Pixar stories, but his one is pretty close; however the ending moral in CARS is easier found I think, especially for children. 2) Computer generated beauty surpassed by none. The shaders, textures, animation, and rendering is done with such love, care, and precision, that you believe and wish these places were real. The only part of any of the movie that technically bothered me was when a close shot of any car face stayed on the screen too long and then the eye shaders seemed to pasted. 4) The extras at the end are spoofs on previous Pixar films and are hilarious (if you have seen the previous films)

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Solid! - Cars Reviews

Personally last years Incredibles was a big let down. It had amazing visuals but it didnt feel like a Pixar film. Cars makes up for that in a big way. its my 3rd favorite Pixar film behind Toy Story and Finding Nemo. It has a good story, basic plot and life lesson at the end, the voice acting was awesome, John Lasseter directed Toy Story 1 and 2 and i think Nemo always does the best pixar movies. The visuals were mind blowing you have to see if for yourself. Overall this is a great film for people who are 5 to 105.

?:::w:::? ?:::o:::? ?:::w:::? ?:::0:::? ?:::9:::? - Cars Reviews

Graphics are amazing, and the voices are delightful. Overall a great flick, almost up to par with Shrek & Nemo, however I don't think it will be quite as Big as either of the latter. Worth seeing, treat yourself to another Pixar treat. Overall score= 9 eGrab_com

Decent but not on the pixar scale... - Cars Reviews

Pixar has or should I say had a great track record, every single film was great... until now. I am not saying that Cars is a horrible movie or a bad one for that matter but it just doesn't measure up to the other Pixar films. First off the story is a lame version of the movie "Doc Hollywood", and it is hard to relate to the characters seeing as they are machines and are technically unfeeling. The acting is well voiced so I don't really know how you can rate it. The direction was pretty good, it didn't lag during any parts of the film, although the best part is during the credits, STAY FOR THE CREDITS. The visuals were excellent but I mean come on this is pixar we are taking about. Overall it wasn't a bad film just a little bit of a let down, disney's latest films have been rather unimpressive ie Chicken Little and The Wild. The kids are sure to enjoy it but I think boys rather than girls will want repeat viewing. Also the jokes are a little dated and the lame "Jay Limo" thing made me feel as if I was watching Shark Tale. If I were you I would go see Over the Hedge now that was a flick not to miss.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Alex mittelman reviews - Cars Reviews

People who like silly jokes, like someone slipping on a banana or a bar of soap will love this movie. Good for kids. Draggy for adults. Good for adults with a ton of kids there stuck babysitting for 5 or 6 hours and have absolutly nothing to do with those kids and is about to burst and yell and start beating on one of the during the last two hours of babysitting.... wait... relax... and take them to see this movie instead. You may have to spend 7-10 dollers per person to go see it... but its better then being in jail .... isn't it? (Atleast I think so!) Few.... Long dang review... glad im done with it!

Carchoo - Cars Reviews

being a retired professional trucker, and bonified ole fart, this movie made me laugh,cry, and brought back some memories of what it used to be like back when i watched this country grow out of the small towns and turned into big interstates without personalities, this movie wows you with how talented these folks are at pixal , so if you want to go down memory lane go see this movie, it is by far the best movie so far this year, dont pay attention to those hollywood sissy critics, there just upset there isnt a brokeback to kiss up to lol

Families start your engines - Cars Reviews

This movie has become one of my favorite movies this year, trust me I've actually seen it. The story is a tad bit cliched in the fact that it is the same ol' formula that transformed a cocky guy/car finds himself in Radiator Springs and then becomes less cocky because he has found something he hasn't had. Surprisingly enough that is the only problem I had with the film. Story: I'm too lazy to really go over the story so I will give a brief overview. Rookie sensation Lightning McQueen is one of three top race cars in the Piston Cup. Soon after a race, he's trying to get to California and is caught speeding and mutilating a road into Radiator Springs. So now Lightning is forced to repair the road as punishment. Over that 5 days begins the part that I was griping about earlier. And that is the story as a whole without giving away any spoilers. Acting: Owen Wilson, Larry the Cable Guy, Paul Newman, and Bonnie Hunt all did magnificant jobs. Obviously since I'm half redneck I believe that Larry did great as Mater. Lightning was a great character to portrait by Owen Wilson. Paul Newman as Doc Hudson is the Papa Bear of Radiator Springs. And Bonnie Hunt is Sally the love interest of Lightning. All of them did a great job. Direction: I don't know who directed this but it won't matter. This looked good, felt good, and overall made me feel good. This movie looked great, you got to see detailed environments car related humor. People will have fun spotting those out. Visuals: This film was by far the best looking Pixar film to date. And I suppose that is expected. The cars were incredibly details, the environment were too. Not much else to say, it just looked really good. Kudos to Pixar for the newest movie. Overall: This movie deserves two thumbs way up. Families are going to have fun with this. If you are a Larry the Cable Guy fan you will notice certain jokes that are hs own. My own little suggestion when there is just sky or background shots there is almost always a car related thing in the background.

Sit back and enjoy the ride - Cars Reviews

What do Richard Petty, Owen Wilson, & Paul Newman have in common? They're all in Walt Disney and Pixar's latest film 'Cars'. The story revolves around a rookie race car learning that life isn't about where you're going, but how you get there. Now I'll admit, last fall when I first heard about this movie I completely wrote it off as being utterly preposterous. Why? Simply because the idea of talking cars didn't seem entertaining in the least. It actually wasn't until the day before it's release I said, wow, I think Disney's got something here. (Which only proved to be true after seeing it the next day.) John Lassester, the man who took us into the world of toys in 'Toy Story' and on a search for a young clown fish in 'Finding Nemo' has done it once again. First off, there's Lightning McQueen's (Owen Wilson) funny and irresistibly lovable new best friend, Mater. (Larry The Cable Guy) He adds to 'Cars' what Scrat the squirrel does in the 'Ice Age' films. Now don't get me wrong, many of the other characters featured in the film are plenty likeable, but Mater is the glue that brings it all together. Also in 'Cars' the animation is superb. It doesn't have the same style or look the other Pixar films have. I don't really know how to describe it, but its certainly something. But, as almost all movies, 'Cars' does have a drawback. It's missing something. That special something only Disney and Pixar can add that made 'Toy Story' what it is, a great movie. I'm not sure why, but it's just not there. I imagine in the end 'Cars' will just fall short of having the longevity and memorability films like 'Finding Nemo', 'Monsters, Inc.' & 'Toy Story' will. Despite this, 'Cars' is still a winner and manages to be excellent. Not a classic, but excellent. I highly recommend seeing it at least once to give it a test drive.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Very fun movie... but - Cars Reviews

I took a 4 yr old and 6 yr old to see this movie. If you think this movie is about racing cars, you would be wrong. There is a race in the beginning and a race at the end. Everything in between is about a brash, cocky, and self-obsessed rookie race car who learns life lessons while serving community service in a town so small it isn't even on the map. There are plenty of laugh-out-loud moments and eye-popping animation to keep everybody satisfied, but I feel there could have been a few minutes edited out. Little kids will most likely get lost during the relationship building scenes and many kids got restless at the midway point in the packed theater I was in. These are minor complaints though. I'm sure it is extremely tough to make a movie that pleases people of all ages, but this movie does just that. There are opportunities to carry on conversations about what was learned watching the film with your children afterward. It does teach good morals. However, there are spots where they call each other "idiot" and "stupid", so if you are sensitive to name calling, you've been warned. These scenes are quickly forgotten and are done with humor, so I wouldn't worry about it too much. Oh, and one more note... This film doesn't beat you over the head with countless pop-culture references. It has a couple, but this movie relies on good old comedy and slapstick to entertain. Sometimes with Mater this can be a little much, but its a minor complaint. Larry The Cable Guy must have negotiated to have extra scenes added so he could just goof off. Anyway, it is harmless fun and I you'll have a great time. Stay through the end credits too... it is hoot, especially if you've seen all the other PIXAR films.

A critique of those upset about the movie cars! - Cars Reviews

I just saw the movie cars tonight with a group of about 15 people, the youngest person in this group was 15 years old and the oldest was 46, and everyone in the group liked this movie alot! I did not hear ONE SINGLE complaint about the movie. No complaint about it's length, the acting, the story, NOT ONE. The jokes are hysterical, our theater was laughing so hard some people were in tears at certain scenes. So, as I got online and read some reviews I had to ask myself if some people even saw the same movie I did. One person on here said the movie was boring, which is funny considering there was like 3 people in our group that have A.D.D. and they didn't get bored, and I know my brother he could get bored at the super bowl or something. So, if you hear this movie is boring either a) they don't like "cars" in general and must of expected an action packed movie that has no story at all,or b) they simply do not have much of an imagination. Also, this person said that none of their kids liked it, which tells me that their kids must not speak english because the kids in our theater liked it alot, heck, one kid was even clapping near the end of the movie during the big final race! Also, some say that this film is horribly long. It's ALMOST 2 hours long. 2 hours is not long for a movie. Lord of the Rings is 4.5 hours long, THATS long, this happens to be just right. I've noticed that sometimes the Pixar movies seem like they need to be longer because they are just so much fun to watch and the extra half hour is definately welcome. One other complaint is that this movie is about Cars cars Cars and that this is a kids movie, and my response to this is 1) the title is CARS so what the heck do you expect the movie is about?! and 2) Pixar has ALWAYS made kids movies, this is a movie from Walt Disney for crying out loud, why do these adults want an animated movie that has mature jokes put in their that they understand but their kids are too young to just so they can have a tiny bit of satisfaction? Honestly, this movie is much different than other pixar movies. Unlike the others that put the main character in a situation where they could face death, this movie puts the main character in a situation where he realizes his own personal flaws and in all honestly this movie will relate to the audience BETTER than any other pixar film, just because this movie is so much more down to earth. I beg that you see this movie, because it definately meets the hype AND you won't be disappointed.

Just enjoy the ride (no pun intended) - Cars Reviews

(I saw the movie at a Emeryville Schools Benefit showing in Pixar on 5/3 and...) From a cinematic and originality point of view (i.e. the Pixar trademark quirkyness and jokes, like seeing "Emeryville" on a traffic sign), this movie is another Pixar classic. The story did take awhile to get going (I kept thinking, "So how/when is Lightning going to get out of this town") and isn't completely original (in fact, the plot is very similar to Michael J Fox's "Doc Hollywood" from the 90's), but the payoff in the end was worth it (great moral story for all, especially kids. I admit I was a bit choked up at the end). My advice for people going to see this movie is: don't compare this movie to previous Pixar movies (e.g. Finding Nemo) or you might be disappointed (the story is a bit slower than Finding Nemo and The Incredible). In other words, don't critique it too hard against other movies and just enjoy the ride (no pun intended). -Ron in Emeryville PS STAY THROUGH THE CREDITS!!!

Cars shifts into gear - Cars Reviews

Cars fulfill its hype with its big news of Disney and Pixar reconciliation making this first ever big appearance for this featured film. Cars, another well made genius from a Pixar creation teaches the life lesson about fame and fortune. Incredibly made and so stylish, the characters bring out so much liveliness to the big screen. I have seen so many animated movies that have opened in the past year and they do not set the tone like Pixar does. All of Pixar?s creations have life lessons which are great for a family movie and children?s movie. The characters on the film are so creative with the depictions of how cars would be seen if they really alive. This hilarious comedy will make you laugh and leave you enjoyed asking for a sequel. The story is about a lightning fast rookie named Lightning McQueen (Owen Wilson) and how he discovers that life is just not about the finish line with the glory and fame. That life is about friends and fun which Lightning discovers in a place called Radiator Springs. He meets different brand of cars that bring in a flavor of differences that gives Lightning McQueen a new perspective in life. Computer Animation is getting better with this big screen feature and its glamorous visual effects. There is really nothing bad to say about this animated movie because it lives up to its hype. A big summer hit I?m sure about and should bring a large crowd for this summer. The visual and performance from the cast are incredible and with funny taglines the characters say, specifically Lightning McQueen ending the races. Just make you want to say it yourself. Cars is a touching movie that should be a great addition to Pixar?s and Disney?s vault of classics. I recommend this movie to anybody that enjoys animations or just want to watch a fun filled movie.

Awesome eye candy wrapped in a great story - Cars Reviews

There is little question that the folks at Pixar (now part of the Disney Studios) know their animation, but they have once again but the standard out of reach of any other CG studio. However, with out a story to tell, the movie shouldn't be made. So, once again, Pixar does both again and does them well. I saw at a Midnight showing, and I have to go back to see it again before the weekend is over because I need more of this movie. It is AMAZING! Take the kids, take your self, and see this production. Remember, stay until AFTER the credits roll . . . .