Monday, September 24, 2007

Why your family should see "cars" - Cars Reviews

What does "CARS" have: 1) A family friendly story with great morals, especially respect for others. 2) Computer generated beauty surpassed by none. 3) An overall wonderful movie going experience.(So if you believe that money talks, see CARS twice and tell the industry what you really want!) 4) Some extra funny stuff during the credits. So do not just get up and leave. (For more comments see below) What "CARS" does not have: 1) No crude humor 2) No swearing 3) No glorifying of violence 4) No glorifying of disrespect towards others 5) No glorifying of any really bad behavior I can think of. Why do so many "professional" critics give this and other Pixar movies a hard time; probably because the gentle but firm teaching of things that are truly good for us and society, do not fit in their social/political agendas. So take it from a normal average person and parent, this will be the best movie this summer for YOU and your family. Go in expecting to enjoy it and you will not be disappointed. Further comment without details or spoilers: 1) A fanatastic family friendly story with a fanastic set of morals being taught. My wife went into the show hoping this would not be too dorky; how could they make a story about talking cars. She came out a firm believer in CARS and Pixar. There are just a couple of places that I think the action oriented movie go-er might find slow, though this is done for character delevopment which I believe pays off in the long run; but other then that it moves along just fine. If you also take time to reflect you should be able see yourself in a character in this movie, whether it is one of the four main characters or a side character; and if you are Mater, then you are probably better off then most of us. Monsters Inc. still holds top place for me of all the Pixar stories, but his one is pretty close; however the ending moral in CARS is easier found I think, especially for children. 2) Computer generated beauty surpassed by none. The shaders, textures, animation, and rendering is done with such love, care, and precision, that you believe and wish these places were real. The only part of any of the movie that technically bothered me was when a close shot of any car face stayed on the screen too long and then the eye shaders seemed to pasted. 4) The extras at the end are spoofs on previous Pixar films and are hilarious (if you have seen the previous films)

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