Friday, September 21, 2007

A critique of those upset about the movie cars! - Cars Reviews

I just saw the movie cars tonight with a group of about 15 people, the youngest person in this group was 15 years old and the oldest was 46, and everyone in the group liked this movie alot! I did not hear ONE SINGLE complaint about the movie. No complaint about it's length, the acting, the story, NOT ONE. The jokes are hysterical, our theater was laughing so hard some people were in tears at certain scenes. So, as I got online and read some reviews I had to ask myself if some people even saw the same movie I did. One person on here said the movie was boring, which is funny considering there was like 3 people in our group that have A.D.D. and they didn't get bored, and I know my brother he could get bored at the super bowl or something. So, if you hear this movie is boring either a) they don't like "cars" in general and must of expected an action packed movie that has no story at all,or b) they simply do not have much of an imagination. Also, this person said that none of their kids liked it, which tells me that their kids must not speak english because the kids in our theater liked it alot, heck, one kid was even clapping near the end of the movie during the big final race! Also, some say that this film is horribly long. It's ALMOST 2 hours long. 2 hours is not long for a movie. Lord of the Rings is 4.5 hours long, THATS long, this happens to be just right. I've noticed that sometimes the Pixar movies seem like they need to be longer because they are just so much fun to watch and the extra half hour is definately welcome. One other complaint is that this movie is about Cars cars Cars and that this is a kids movie, and my response to this is 1) the title is CARS so what the heck do you expect the movie is about?! and 2) Pixar has ALWAYS made kids movies, this is a movie from Walt Disney for crying out loud, why do these adults want an animated movie that has mature jokes put in their that they understand but their kids are too young to just so they can have a tiny bit of satisfaction? Honestly, this movie is much different than other pixar movies. Unlike the others that put the main character in a situation where they could face death, this movie puts the main character in a situation where he realizes his own personal flaws and in all honestly this movie will relate to the audience BETTER than any other pixar film, just because this movie is so much more down to earth. I beg that you see this movie, because it definately meets the hype AND you won't be disappointed.

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